Our upcoming research reports and findings.
Ahead of the publication of our forthcoming Employee Experience (EX) report, which is based on the views of almost 1,500 employees across Ireland, UK and US, we have provided some key insights which make this report an essential read in 2023.
When asked, almost three quarters of employees surveyed said they understand their organisation’s purpose and a further 72% said it was important to them in their work.
This begs the question – how would the people in your organisation respond to this question if asked?
A little over a half of the employees surveyed felt their organisation performed “well” on communicating the company vision, the values, listening to employees and on internal communication generally.
How would you regard your company’s internal communications and how you communicate the vision and values as an organisation?
Two thirds of employees feel “worried” about the current economic situation yet only 45% feel their organisation has prepared them for it.
Interestingly, those employees who tell us they are less likely to be at their current organisation for another year are much less likely to feel their organisation has prepared them for the rising cost of living (31%).
While many organisations are facing down critical challenges on increased costs and supply chain disruption, the question is twofold – is there any more you could do to support your employees? And how transparent can you be around how much you can feasibly do to support them, given the wider challenges?
When we analyse our survey respondents by geography, we see some interesting trends in relation to purpose, internal communications and company values.
Irish employees are less clear on purpose and feel it impacts their work - 70% feel they understand their organisation’s purpose (vs 78% of UK employees and 74% of US employees), while 64% of Irish employees say their organisation’s purpose is important to their work (vs 77% of UK employees and 71% of US employees).
When it comes to internal communications and communication of company values, 44% of Irish employees feel their organisation communicates “well” internally and 53% feel their organisation communicates company values “well”. This is in contrast to how UK and US employees rate internal communications (50% and 55% respectively) and communication of company values (68% and 58% respectively).
For Irish organisations, the implications here are that more can be done – to define their purpose and values in such a way that they can impact employees positively, to engage their employees around their purpose and values and to generally examine where and how they can communicate more effectively.
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